
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

October Fun

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the weather, the colors, the flavors. In my opinion, pumpkin should be in our lives for more months of the year. :) We had a lot of fun in October, including a visit to the pumpkin patch.

We also had our Sunday school class over for a social. We had a "jump jump" that kept the kids entertained for hours. With the exception of it throwing the breaker at one point and subsequently collapsing on a dozen or so screaming kids, they had a blast. Philip and Caroline also enjoyed having it for a few hours before everyone arrived! I didn't get a headcount, but I think there were about 20 preschoolers here at one time, along with a few older kids and of course the parents. When you have three sets of twins and a set of triplets in your class, it starts to add up fast! :)

We also got to go to Trunk or Treat at our church. It had to be moved indoors for weather, and it was CROWDED! Thankfully our little girl doesn't yet realize that you are supposed to get oodles of candy for Halloween. She was quite pleased with the single fun size bag of M&M's we got. :) She was Gretel, and her friend Ollie was Hansel:

We also had Caroline's class party at school. She loved showing us her room and introducing us to her friends. She has really opened up a lot since starting MDO.

Even though fall is officially over, I'll end with my new favorite pumpkin recipe: Pumpkin Fluff Dip. So easy and so yummy!

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