
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Suiteys Come to Town

A few of my favorite girls came into town last month to meet our newest family member.  They left their hubbies and babies at home and drove or flew in to spend a few days together.

This friendship dates back 12 years when we all began our freshman year at the University of Mobile.  The four of us have gotten together at least once a year since graduating and plan to continue to do so.  As always, there were late night talk sessions, lots of laughs, sharing of hearts, and a few tears. 


We've been through a lot together over the years!  Living in a dorm together forces you to either love, tolerate/avoid, or despise each other.  Thankfully these girls are easy to love.  There were many of late-night cram sessions, dorm room dance-a-thons, deep theological discussions, not-so-deep discussions of every variety, annual trips to the Big Easy, squealing fests over new diamond rings, subsequent wedding dress shopping, and more wedding/baby showers than I care to count.  I am so thankful that each of us has made the effort to not let the miles between us cause our relationship to dwindle away.  It is a rare treasure to have friends with whom you can bare your heart.  I look forward to many new memories made with these girls!

A look back:
Always a fav: at the Olive Garden
Halloween 2002
Christmas 2002
Shopping for hats???
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